

中鋼運通企業工會新聞稿-逾300台灣船員家庭陷困境 勞動部還幫中鋼護航?


逾300台灣船員家庭陷困境 勞動部還幫中鋼護航?

部長何佩珊若不解決 上百船員將「#直接進勞動部求助




中鋼運通工會強調:倘若明天勞動部不給船員一個明確的交代,承諾限期內協助遭違法逼退的船員得以回到船上工作、遭到資方違法中斷投保的勞健保得以重新恢復,失去工作權的上百名船員、家屬與聲援的各友會,將「#直接進入」勞動部內部長辦公室找何佩珊部長「#當面陳情」,在沒得到勞動部實質保證前,工會及船員絕會不輕易離開,#更不排除後天(10日) #上午帶著失業的船員與家屬們前往總統府前廣場的國慶大會上​ ,直接向賴清德總統陳情、求救!





Over 300 Taiwanese seafarer families are in distress, and the Ministry of Labor still defends China Steel?

If Minister Ho Pei-shan doesn't resolve this, hundreds of seafarers will "enter the Ministry of Labor to seek help"

Since July, China Steel Express(CSE), a wholly-owned subsidiary of the state-owned Steel Group (CSG), has illegally terminated the labor and health insurance for Taiwanese seafarers and delayed reassigning shore-based Taiwanese seafarers to ships, pushing over 300 families into financial distress.

When over 100 Taiwanese seafarers had their labor and health insurance unlawfully cut off by CSE in July, The CSE Union has immediately reported it to the Ministry of Labor, arguing that the labor contracts should be indefinite and the termination illegal. However, the Ministry did not intervene. Instead, in late July, the Bureau of Labor Insurance indirectly accepted the company illegal practice and redirected the responsibility for determining the labor contracts’ nature back to the union and seafarers, suggesting they seek help from local labor authorities or courts. This response essentially defended CSG and CSE from their unlawful actions.

It has been over 100 days since CSE illegally terminated seafarers’ insurance. The union, affected seafarers, and their families, have reached their limit. Tomorrow morning (the 9th), they will mobilize a large-scale protest to the Ministry of Labor, demanding that Minister Ho Pei-shan’s commitment to resolving the issue. They demand immediate action to correct the company's illegal actions, allowing the wrongfully dismissed seafarers to return to work and secure their families' livelihoods.

The Union stresses that if the Ministry of Labor doesn’t promise to help the wrongfully dismissed seafarers return to work and restore their insurance, hundreds of seafarers, their families, and supporters will "enter" the Minister Ho Pe-shan's office to petition directly. They won’t leave without a substantial guarantee and may go to the National Day event at the Presidential Office Plaza on the morning of the 10th to directly petition President Lai Ching-te for help.



【中運工會新聞稿】逾300台灣船員家庭陷困境 勞動部還幫中鋼護航?


聯合報報導 --勞動契約爭議未解!逾300船員沒工作 中運工會衝撞勞動部